Today we visited the Arizona Renaissance Festival. This is the first weekend since the festival opened that has been warm and sunny and I think everyone else had the same idea as us. The traffic was bumper to bumper and it crossed our minds that we might not find parking. Not a problem!! There were acres of parking and the only problem might be finding your vehicle when you finally decide to leave. The festival includes a medieval amusement park, a 12-stage theater, a 30-acre circus, an arts and crafts fair, a jousting tournament and a feast. We arrived before lunch and strolled through the village. I was amazed at the large number of visitors, young and old, dressed in medieval costumes. For the younger crowd there were rides and carnival games. My favorite to watch was a ride called "fight the knight".

There was non stop entertainment on the various stages. We took in some of the shows but realized when we got home that we only saw about half of the performances. We enjoyed the music and song, story telling, comedy acts, sword fights, rope walking and juggling, and circus acts.

There were demonstrations on glass blowing, blacksmithing, pottery, leather work, weaving, spinning and a renactment of a medieval village.

A favorite on the lunch menu was the roasted turkey leg and people everywhere were strolling along chewing on the legs. There were chocolate covered bananas and icies served in half oranges. There was beer, wine and other beverages served throughout the park. We were both tired at the end of the day but will definitely head back another year. Senor Ping has his heart set on dressing up as a knight's templar and I think I would make a charming queen!!!