As we were sitting by the pool, enjoying the sunshine (as Diane said, "We came from the cold Canadian winter to enjoy the sun and so let's sit in the sun!"), and catching up on family news, I had a flashback to another such gathering. It was one of those many gatherings we had at Aunt Vi and Uncle Lucas's farm. It could have been a wedding, anniversary, bridal shower or just a sunny Sunday afternoon. And all of us girls were soaking up the sunshine in our terry-cloth rompers.

I just had to capture the moment with another photo.
The afternoon certainly brought back memories of those gatherings years ago. We laughed and shared stories, and reminisced about the curling bonspiels in Willowbrook. Donna served a fabulous dinner that was topped off with fresh lemon pie that Cindy made with lemons from the tree in her yard. What a great way to spend an afternoon!!