The past few days we haven't been able to check our email or do any posting so I guess I should give you an update on where we are and where we have been. On Monday morning we left Great Falls and drove for 12 hours. We had bad road conditions through most of Montana but eventually it did warm up and the roads cleared. We spend Tuesday night in Provo. Senor Ping and I are both fighting colds we brought with us from Canada. Thankfully we had a short drive on Wednesday and we were set up in our campsite in Mesquite by early afternoon. We had to de-winterize the 5th wheel and buy some groceries. Mesquite has grown since our last trip and there is a new Super Walmart. And to think that Kindersley thought they had the "best Walmart in the country". I took the advice of some of the K-5 students at Eaton School and did some shopping at Walmart. We had a bit of time left to hit the casinos to leave some money for the others. On Thursday we headed to Laughlin. Another place that has grown considerably since our last visit. We stayed at the Riverside Campground and got some much needed rest. Doug had a bit of a winning streak and so we left with some money in our pockets. On Friday we were packed up again and off to Yuma. We are staying at the Bonita Mesa RV resort. It is very clean and we have a large campsite. We will be here until next Thursday. I am looking forward to doing some reorganizing in the 5th wheel and soaking up the sun (did I say that it was 80F today???) Raymondo and Roni will be arriving on Sunday and I am sure we will enjoy a few beers on the patio. We are going to do some sight seeing and maybe check out the flea markets. I am sure Senor Ping and Raymondo would LOVE to go shopping with their loving wives!!!
Sounds wonderful!
Say hello to my ma and pops when they arrive on Sunday. Enjoy the sun.
I am waiting with bated breath to read your further adventures.
Keep all 4 or 8 or however many wheels you have under you, on the road at all times.
Walmart? Why not break my heart some more. Heed the warning your brother and your son give you. HEED THEM
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