Now, we were not without the odd glitch that added to the excitement of the show. Like when one of the cast members got a little overzealous during the curtain call and joined the guests in the front row for minute or two. (Note to one self: when doing a play about a group of seniors add "don't break a hip" along with "Break a leg").
And because we are in the midst of winter it is no surprise that weather would finally play a part in our show. Friday brought strong winds, poor visibility and high wind chills. The phone rang all day, will the show still go on? Things died down just a bit around 5:00 and the guests started to arrive. I think there were only 20 empty seats and those that braved the cold loved every minute of the best performance of the weekend.
And then there was the final night. The cast pulled out all the stoppers. There was a bit of improvisation and adlibbing going on and no one knew what to expect including me, the director. After the final curtain call, everyone was ready to party! There was music and dancing until the wee hours of the night. As a matter of fact Senior Ping and I snuck out at 3:30 and many were still going strong.
All that is left is the clean up and then I can start reading plays for next year!

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