On Thursday afternoon we found a very scenic spot to just sit and relax. We got directions to a place on the beach where many campers are boondocking. They drive off the main road, into the sand dunes, find a spot with a view they like and that's where they stay. The sand dunes reminded me of Gunn's Beach at Good Spirit Lake (Yorkton).We found a spot on the beach where we could let Abbey run and chase seagulls. We watched the pelicans and kept our eyes open for the dolphins that are in the area. Senor Ping and Abbey both got their toes wet. As you can see from the photos we had the beach to ourselves.

Unlike Doug, it looks like Abbey is getting some of her color back!
Hmm. After I attempted to teach Abbey to swim at Jackfish Lake last summer, I thought she'd never willingly go back into the water...guess I was wrong!
It's not that she goes in very far, just enough to get her toes wet and then she rolls in the wet sand. But she is getting more brave every time.
Just spoke to Mom (17 March)and read her your last three posts. She said not to worry about her, that she's probably having more fun than you are. She does love hearing about you though and to keep up the postings. She's watching curling on TV today (Kelly Scott??). Happy St. Pats!
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