On Saturday afternoon we took a drive to Miramar, a village around the bay from San Carlos. Some might say it is a suburb of Guaymas. It might even be described as a "bedroom community on the beach". There are a few convenience stores but we could not see any evidence of a shopping district. We toured through some of the residential districts and were intrigued by the contrast in housing ranging from a shack on a sandbar to huge homes overlooking the bay. We also stopped at the Playa de Cortes. This hotel was build in the mid 1930's and we've heard that John Wayne and others used to frequent the hotel. We stopped for a refreshment in the bar and toured the grounds. It would be a perfect place to write "the great novel". It was so quiet you could have been in a monastery. There were beautiful wood carvings, antiques and a stained glass mural over a fireplace in one of the salons.

By the way, I discovered yesterday that people could not leave a comment unless they were "bloggers". I have now changed that so that we can receive comments from anyone.
You know, I always wished for a house on my own private island, but maybe I should be a little more specific just in case!
Perhaps instead of writing the great Canadian novel, you should fund me and I will write the great Canadian in Mexico novel. Eh? Sound good to you?
I must admit I did think about you when I was there, but decided it would be too quiet for you!
The Evil Megan can be quiet. Just not for long periods of time.
Notice I'm the only one not screaming "take me! take me! I wanna retire!". Apparently I'm also one of the few without a job. Luckily, it looks like I have a house (400/month rate) and a few more very interesting job leads...
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