Saturday, January 31, 2009

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner (Theatre)?

Our annual dinner theatre is less than a week away. I'm finding myself very relaxed and not sure if that is good or not. We will have our dress rehearsal tomorrow afternoon and then maybe I will start to panic (or not). I am excited about who is coming for the weekend. Can you guess who??

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Europe 2006

Click here to view this photo book.

Europe 2007

Senor Ping and I spent the morning checking out some changes to the Shutterfly website. We discovered that we are able to link our shutterfly books to our blog. I know that everyone in our family has had an opportunity to see our books (numerous times) but here they are for anyone who hasn't had a chance to view our books.

Click here to view this photo book.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Touch of Spring

My friend gave me a daffodil plant at Christmas. She plants the bulbs in the fall and "forces" them to bloom in the dead of winter. I noticed the first bloom when we were having daily temperatures of -30. Admiring the beautiful plant each day reminds me that spring is just around the corner (we hope).

Friday, January 23, 2009

Things To do When It Is Too Cold To Go Outside

We enjoyed a break in the frigid temperatures this past week. When the temperatures climbed into the + side of the thermometer Abbey and I went for a long walk around town. I felt the urge to step outside once in a while and listen for the birds and didn't even cuss the ice that is building up all over town. However, our pleasure was short lived and this morning the thermometer said -29 (before the windchill).

So, when it is that cold what is one to do?? I have made every TO DO list imaginable, from things to do for drama today, this weekend, for dress rehearsal, before the shows, after the shows, when we clean up, lists for before we leave for Arizona, things we need to take, what needs to be done at home, grocery lists, checklists for the drama project I am working on (not community related), I think I have about 25 pieces of paper all over the house with lists on them. But now what am I going to do?? Usually I enjoy a day at home with a good book and a blanket but we have had plenty of those this winter. I thought about doing a major house cleaning but its too soon, that's on my list of things to do the week before drama!! I could bake something but I still have an abundance of baking left over from Christmas and besides, we will be leaving soon and who wants to leave a freezer full of goodies?

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Ringing In The New Year

Senor Ping and I spent New Year's Eve with our dear friends, John and Marla. They cooked a delicious roast beef supper and then we watched the World Junior Hockey game, Canada vs U.S. Eventually we made our way upstairs to play some cards. My former title of "crib champ" didn't help me this time as I found myself on the losing end of both games. We had a great evening and finally headed for home at 2:00 AM Probably the latest any of us have been up on New Years Eve for years!!

Today I cleaned out the fridge, started making turkey soup, added 5 pieces to the puzzle (this is the daily quota necessary to complete the puzzle by spring) and read my book. It has been a quiet day at the Bailey house!! This is only the calm before the storm as the next month will be very busy with Dinner Theatre only 36 days away!!