I am spending a few days in Yorkton visiting my Mother. Yesterday we had supper with Debbie and Ryan who is off to plant trees in Alberta. Mom made her famous potato and apple perogies, baked ham, sausage, and all the trimmings. Today Mom and I made retes, which is the Hungarian equivalent of German strudel. This was a first time venture for me. I don't think I have quite mastered stretching the dough until it is the size of the table and thin as paper but at least I have discovered it is not as difficult as I originally thought. Now we are just relaxing and watching the rain. Why is it that it is either ungodly hot or raining when I come to Yorkton?
That's not entirely true. It's either ungodly hot, raining, or ungodly cold and blizzarding...
Also, perogies. If grandma has any to spare. I have room in my freezer.
(I will MAKE room)
I can't believe you didn't make me any retes.
Or perogies.
sad megan...
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