Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Spooktacular halloween

RV Having Fun
We are having another great Halloween. The costume parade today was excellent as always. There were numerous Spidermen, fairies, witches, devils, etc but the best were three little preschoolers wearing grey sweatsuits and carrying white sticks. Took me a while but I finally figured out it was 3 blind mice. The Johnson /Nunweiler family came as the Adams family (all 6 of them). There were 2 sumo wrestlers in inflatable costumes and a scotsman in a kilt.
The doorbell has been ringing since 4:00 Pm and we have had most of the kids in town at our door. Not much excitement around town as yet but I am sure it will take place later on tonight.
I was glad it was my last Halloween party. We carved pumpkins this morning, played games, sang songs, made crafts and ate the usual lunch (cheese and crackers, salami, veggies and cupcakes and cookies) and drank withces brew complete with eye balls. Oh for the good old days when we had egg salad sandwiches and decorated sugar cookies!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Day Off

RV Having Fun
Here I sit on the sofa at home at 2:45PM on a Thursday, relaxing and contemplating life. Not worrying about whether or not I will get the last book corrected before the bell rings,or if I am on bus supervision on this cold and rainy day, or if I will remember to remind those 5 and 6 year old who need reminding where to go at the end of the day. No folks, I have had a day off. What did I do today? Well I was up bright and early (8:30 AM) and surfed the net and read my book while downing gallons of decaf coffee. After a short walk with Abbey it was home and into the tub for her (she sure does like to run through wet grass and mud puddles). Then it was lunch time and I was off to the Tea and Tassle for lunch (minus the cheesecake, I went for a cinnamon bun instead). Back home I am contemplating what to do next. I could watch Oprah or Dr. Phil. Maybe I need a hobby, something to occupy my days off. Any suggestions????

Monday, October 16, 2006

Eskimos fall from Grace!

RV Having Fun

Oh, yes.... Many of us in Sask are lamenting the tragic fall from grace that has befallen our beloved Eskimo neighbours in the north-west. But we are not snickering too loud. The esks were always a classy team in victory as well as defeat. And they certainly will be back in the playoffs soon.

Perhaps, though, this missing the playoffs is just a pretext (prelude as well) to a salary dump which will affect all CFL teams next year as a salary cap will be imposed. Expect Sask to be hard hit as well – many of their players are very well paid, and are soon to be free agents. Expect big changes there as well.

But finally, perhaps there is some justice in that the Esks and the TiCats both miss the playoffs this year... In light of their extremely shady trade last year, (Mass, Comisky, Davis et al), maybe both teams are getting their proper reward in missing the playoffs this year. There should have been an investigation. A player to be named later???? NO. Some form of collusion in that trade that should have been tossed out along with The Don, the Commissioner, Shivers, Barrett, Paopao, Kent Austin, those two loud-mouthed Stamps, Macioca, Edmonton’s nepotism, The entire CBC Broadcast team led by Chris Walby, Saturday afternoon game times, the Ottawa Renegades, CFL drug policy, Ricky Williams, Video-replay..... Toss ‘em all.

Reduce the CFL to 8-10 imports.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Golf Season is Over

Although we thought we would get a chance to play at least one more round of golf the weather does not seem to want to cooperate so its time to put the golf cart in storage and put away the clubs until February. We had 5 months of excellent golf weather this year. We played at Leader, Jack Fish and Sylvan Lake. Tomorrow we will head out to the 5th wheel and go through cupboards and storage cubbies and remove anything we will not need when we head south. It's also time to take inventory and start making lists of things we will need to pack in the middle of winter. Looks like we might get a frost overnight and it will be time to clean out the planters and put them away until next spring.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Snowflake and Senor Ping Swim With The Stingrays

Stingray City, Grand Cayman Islands. 2004, Cruisin'. Since the Steve Irwin incident, we might not do this again.

Friday, October 06, 2006

4 Months 'til Retirement

Senor Ping and I have approximately 4 months of teaching left and then we will begin our great adventure. The next few months will fly by. There will be football playoffs, community drama and Christmas and before we know it we will be on our way. We are checking out campgrounds, reading Rv forums and talking to other snowbirds to gather as much information as possible before we head south. Rigth now we are entertaining Megan, Allan and friends from Calgary for Thanksgiving. There should be an abundance of good food and good times!