This RV Park offers a variety of water exercise programs starting with deep-water aerobics at 6:15 AM to Guys and Gals water exercises at 11:00. I believe there are 7 different sessions offered between the 3 pools. I chose one of the sessions offered at the indoor pool because it has still been chilly in the morning. The class is offered daily at 9:00 AM (although the instructor told me they actually start at 8:53 AM). The activity level is similar to that of the class offered in Eatonia during July and August with a few more participants. The first day I attended there were 30 of us in the pool. We break half way through for an opportunity for everyone to introduce themselves and have a short visit. The class ends with everyone singing “AMEN” as they “jog” around the pool. Everyone is very friendly and after attending the class for 4 days I have met many women from across Canada and the U.S. and recognized a few of them at other park functions.
On Friday morning I decided to stay for the “water robics” class held immediately after the class I have been attending. Hilda, who I think did her basic training under Hitler, led this class. First, she told me I would not be able to stay if there were over 18 people in the pool because that was her limit. Her reason being that I had already been to a class already and I wasn’t to take up space from someone else. Hmmmm, if I had gotten out of the pool and then back in who would know the difference?? She also told me her class is the only class with music. Fortunately, there were only 10 participants so I was allowed to take part.
Hilda started the class by telling us that her first rule was for us to keep our mouths shut, second there are no breaks and we will be working for the full hour. She alternated between demonstrating the activity in the pool and walking along the deck shouting out orders and clapping her hands to speed us up. Maybe she was a swimming instructor to Mark Phelps before she retired. We alternated between upper and lower body exercises and finished with a good stretch. If this was my first session of basic training I think I successfully completed it. There was 1 woman that left the pool about 20 minutes into the start of the class and never returned but I didn’t hear the ambulance arrive so I assume she was okay. Overall it was a great workout. Will I return to that class?? You bet!