RV Having Fun
We have considered ourselves quite fortunate that we made it through football season, past Halloween and almost to the end of November before any snow actually accumulated and stayed for more than 3-4 days. Well the end has come to our good luck and we are struggling throught the first major snowfall of the year. I, for one, like snow. I would rather look out the window and see huge flakes of snow resembling feathers floating through the air from one of my mother's feather pillows or chuckle as small children struggle to stay upright as they fight their way through drifts of snow on the school yard when they could walk on the freshly shoveled sidewalks. And to watch Abbey run wild through the yard diving and jumping in the snow is quite a sight, so I don't mind the snow at all. ITS JUST THE -40 WINDCHILL AND HOWLING WINDS THAT DRIVE ME CRAZY!!! It looks like tomorrow will be another day of freezing cold weather, high wind chill factors, reduced visibility and inside recesses. I am not going to let all that cold weather put a damper on my day. I am going to sing Christmas songs, start Christmas crafts with my students and remind a few people more than once a day that in less than 2 1/2 months I will be soaking up the sun and enjoying retirement!!!!
Merry Christmas!
11 years ago