Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What Kind of Cookies Should I Bake?

RV Having Fun
Its another day off and I can't decide what to do. I guess I could finish my report cards or tidy the house, do the laundry or just read a book but I have decided to bake some cookies. The question is what kind of cookies. I know Doug like peanut butter cookies and my favorite is hermits and the staff at school will eat anything but then I have to consider Meg and Al. What would their favorite cookies be? If I am going to start I may as well mix up a few batches but it sure would help if someone could tell me what to make.


Meg said...


But I like peanut buttery ones, too.

Actually, Mom, I'll take whatever I can get, at this point.

Meg said...

I just had a thought.

Magi's Turbans.

Yes. The Politically-Incorrect Deliciousness. Mmm.

Snowflake said...

So far I have baked 18 dozen cookies: peanut butter, gingersnaps and hermits. I have been hunting for another recipe I haven't made in a long long time... homemade oreo cookies with cream cheese filling. There will be those politically incorrect cookies for xmas but in the mean time you may just be lucky enough to be the recipient of a few dozen of the others.

Meg said...




Those are my forgotten favourites!

Meg said...

ps- the recipe is in the Eating with Eaton cookbook...

Laurel said...

18 dozen ...18 DOZEN! WOW - now that's impressive. I hope you can freeze some for Bailey Christmas - they sound delish!

ps. if you feel like making it 19 dozen, shortbread taste excellent, especially those with almonds!

Snowflake said...

I'll make a double batch of shortbread cookies when I do my Xmas baking just so there are some for Bailey Xmas!

Meg said...

What day are the cookies arriving?